The Web Standards Project (WaSP) has been instrumental in promoting the importance of web standards, and getting user agent manufacturers to do the same. It's therefore great news that they have recently announced the Accessibility Task Force, whose focus is to encourage assistive technology manufacturers to include more support for web standards. I'm also delighted to announce that I have been asked to participate in the group.
Author: Gez Lemon
Accessibility Task Force (ATF)
The Web Standards Project (WaSP) have recently announced the Accessibility Task Force (ATF), and I'm both honoured and delighted to have been asked to participate. I will be working with some of the people I most respect in the field of accessibility:
Something I want to make clear is that I am not a member of WaSP, the main group responsible for promoting web standards, and encouraging user-agent manufacturers to do the same. I have been invited to participate in the ATF, and it's something I am really looking forward to. The advocacy of standards and accessibility has resulted in many authors creating semantically rich documents incorporating features that can aid people with disabilities, some of which just aren't being used by some assistive technology. The group's focus is to help bridge those gaps by promoting published web standards, and help bring accessibility to its full potential in making content available to everyone.
Further Reading
Category: Accessibility.
Hi Gez,
Congrats on getting involved with the WaSP ATF, mate! Seems like a great team... and about time too!
Posted by dotjay on
Congratulations Gez! I'm very pleased to see you getting some well deserved recognition.
Now, don't revel in the glory too long. Get busy and change the world!
Posted by Bob Easton on
Caongratulations Gez. A real list of Guru's there.
Can we call you Troy Tempest now?
Posted by Mike Abbott on
Congratulations, Gez! We are behind you 110%. If there's anything we can do to help, let us know
Posted by Pam on
Thank you all for your kind words
Who's Troy Tempest? I'll answer to any name; I usually answer anyone looking in my general direction, much to the annoyance of the person standing next to me.
Posted by Gez on
A puppet.
Posted by Jill on
I should have looked it up on the Internet before asking
Posted by Gez on
Troy Tempest was one of my childhood heroes. He is a member of WASP, the World Aquanaught Submarine Patrol and the captain in charge of Stingray.
His co-pilot was the Texan Phones, who always had a big set of headphones on his head, hence the name. Never heard of I-Pods in the 60's even though it was set in the mid 21st Century.
The commander of WASP who lived in Marineville, went around in a powered hover wheelchair and was Commander Shore. His daughter had the hots for Troy as did the undersea pricess Marina who could not tell Troy as she was unable to speak.
The deadly enemy of WASP was Titan and his fleet of Terrofish, many of which seemed to finish up as the victim of a well placed torpedo from Stingray. Titan had a surface agent X19, I always found it strange that Fiat should name a car after him.
BTW, before Thunderbirds became active Gordon Tracey was also a member of WASP. Small world innit
Posted by Mike Abbott on
Thank you for the explanation, Mike - and the compliment
I vaguely remember some of that (Not the WASP, or any character names). I must have caught the odd episode, but didn't follow it.
Maybe we should call Derek, Troy, as he's a proper member of WaSP
Posted by Gez on