Sandi Wassmer of Copious outlines The 10 principles of inclusive web design.
Author: Gez Lemon
A User-Centred Approach
A sensible user-centred approach to inclusive web design is essential for a successful website and to build trust from your visitors/clients. Sandi's article outlines 10 basic principles that all web developers, designers and marketing people should consider essential reading. The 10 principles are summarised below:
- Be equitable.
- Be flexible
- Be simple and intuitive
- Be perceptible
- Be informative
- Be preventative
- Be tolerant
- Be effortless
- Be accommodating
- Be consistent
Following these basic principles will result in accessible websites for all. These principles are explained in the article: The 10 principles of inclusive web design.
Category: Accessibility.
Thanks for sharing such a wonderful article. As an improvement, you could add some examples of each of the 10 principles.
Posted by Toronto Web Design Company on
Thanks. Gospel truth of web development =)
Posted by Lex Koff - Templamatic on
Following these 10 principles almost makes us psychiatrists.
Most of my clients always know better and it takes a lot of persuasiveness to convince them otherwise.
Applying these principles will even take more time I guess, but would be a great solution!
Posted by Case Stevens on
Well written article. I've read a similar on smashingmagazine sometime ago.
Posted by A.Cobus on