I was contacted by Andrew Waer about a JavaScript class he had written to help determine the colour contrast between two colours, based on the algorithm suggested in the 26th of April 2000 working draft for Accessibility Evaluation and Repair Tools. Andrew has kindly allowed me to publish the details of the class. The class can either be used to create your own colour contrast checker, or to select appropriately contrasting colours on the fly.
Author: Gez Lemon
The JavaScript Colour Contrast Class
Color Contrast | Andrew Waer
// Contrast test for two colors
// returns passing score OR false if test fails
Contrast.test('#ffffff', '#000000');
// find best match from one or two color sets
// returns array containing two hex values OR false if no match
Contrast.match('#ffffff', ['#000000', '#336699']);
Contrast.match(['#ffffff', '#000000', '#336699']);
Contrast.match(['#ffffff','#ffffcc'], ['#000000', '#336699']);
var Contrast = function()
// private functions and properties
var _private =
min : {
'brightness': 125,
'difference': 500
brightness : function(rgb1, rgb2){
var b1 = ((rgb1.r * 299) + (rgb1.g * 587) + (rgb1.b * 114)) / 1000;
var b2 = ((rgb2.r * 299) + (rgb2.g * 587) + (rgb2.b * 114)) / 1000;
return Math.abs(Math.round(b1-b2));
difference : function(rgb1, rgb2){
var diff = (Math.max(rgb1.r, rgb2.r) - Math.min(rgb1.r, rgb2.r)) +
(Math.max(rgb1.g, rgb2.g) - Math.min(rgb1.g, rgb2.g)) +
(Math.max(rgb1.b, rgb2.b) - Math.min(rgb1.b, rgb2.b));
return Math.abs(Math.round(diff));
rgb : function(hex){
hex = hex.replace('#','');
var rgb = {
r: parseInt(hex[0] + hex[1], 16),
g: parseInt(hex[2] + hex[3], 16),
b: parseInt(hex[4] + hex[5], 16)
return rgb;
// public functions and properties
var _public =
test : function(hex1, hex2){
var rgb1 = _private.rgb(hex1);
var rgb2 = _private.rgb(hex2);
var brightness = _private.brightness(rgb1, rgb2);
var difference = _private.difference(rgb1, rgb2);
return (
brightness >= _private.min.brightness && difference >= _private.min.difference
? ((brightness - _private.min.brightness) + (difference - _private. min.difference))
: false
match : function(hex1, hex2){
var total_score, i, j;
if (typeof hex1 == 'string') {hex1 = [hex1];}
if (typeof hex2 == 'string') {hex2 = [hex2];}
var best_match = {
score: 0,
hex1: null,
hex2: null
if (hex2 == null){
for (i=0; i<hex1.length; i++){
for (j=0; j<hex1.length; j++){
total_score = _public.test(hex1[i], hex1[j]);
if (total_score > best_match.score){
best_match.score = total_score;
best_match.hex1 = hex1[i];
best_match.hex2 = hex1[j];
else {
for (i=0; i<hex1.length; i++){
for (j=0; j<hex2.length; j++){
total_score = _public.test(hex1[i], hex2[j]);
if (total_score > best_match.score){
best_match.score = total_score;
best_match.hex1 = hex1[i];
best_match.hex2 = hex2[j];
return (
best_match.score > 0
? [ best_match.hex1, best_match.hex2 ]
: false
return _public;
The test
The test
method returns the total passing score (the amount above the minimum brightness + the amount above minimum difference), or false
if the colour combinations fail.
var strResult = Contrast.test('#ffffcc', '#333300');
The match
The match
method accepts two arguments, both of which may be a string or an array, where the second argument is optional. The following are examples of calling the match method with variables and literals. The result of all of these calls is an array if a successful match is found, otherwise false
Passing 2 String Variables
var arColour = Contrast.match(strColour, strAlternate);
Passing a String and an Array
var arColour = Contrast.match(strColour, arColours);
Passing an Array and a String
var arColour = Contrast.match(arColours, strColour);
Passing 2 Arrays
var arColour = Contrast.match(arColours, arAlternate);
Passing 2 String Literals
var arColour = Contrast.match('#ffffff', '#000000');
Passing a String Literal and an Array Literal
var arColour = Contrast.match('#ffffff', ['#000000', '#336699']);
Passing an Array Literal and a String Literal
var arColour = Contrast.match(['#000000', '#336699'], '#ffffff');
Passing 2 Array Literals
var arColour = Contrast.match(['#000000', '#336699'], ['#ffffff', 'ffffcc']);
Of course, the method can also be called with a mixture of variables and literals. Alternatively, the match
method may be passed a single array, and will choose the best match from the colours in the array if a match is found, otherwise it will return false
Passing a Single Array
var arColour = Contrast.match(arColours);
Passing a Single Array Literal
var arColour = Contrast.match(['#ffffff', '#000033', '#000000']);
Category: Scripting.