The Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) announced last Friday that WCAG 2.0 has become a candidate recommendation.
Author: Gez Lemon
The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 (WCAG) finally became a candidate recommendation last Friday. The news came as a surprise to the web accessibility community, as it was rumoured that the working group received a considerable number of comments from the last draft that needed addressing before the guidelines could move to candidate recommendation. Fortunately, Oli Farlop, a well-respected accessibility expert, rose to the challenge and offered his services to the WCAG working group. After a gruelling 48-hour stint on the guidelines, checking comments were dealt with sufficiently, the removal of some success criteria, and addition of a few others, Oli declared WCAG 2.0 good to go.
Category: Accessibility.
Nice try ;o)
Posted by Kev on
Is it true that the name "Oli Farlop" is a crypto-anagram of joe clak?
Posted by milky puddings on
I clicked on the links in blogs leading me to an infinite loop without hope of me reaching the "official" WCAG 2.0 guidelines...
My conclusion? It's an April fools joke!
Posted by Marty on
And phew. I wasn't looking forward to actually having to read them.
Posted by pauldwaite on
Very good lol. Hoorah to Oli Farlop!
Posted by Simon on
Go Oli Farlop! Now it is time to read the guidelines and try to start implementing them. Joy!
Posted by James Oppenheim on
"Is it true that the name "Oli Farlop" is a crypto-anagram of joe clak?"
Oli Farlop...
*shuffle shuffle*
...April Fool
Posted by Jan Tore on
*smile* Excellent! I panicked at first and thought, "How are we ever going to rebench the tests before the next release?" Luckily, my daughter serving me green eggs and ham reminded me of the date...and identity of Oli Farlop. Thanks!
Posted by Lisa Pappas on
Nice one Gez,
I just hope that anyone visitors to your site who read this on the morning of April 1st have been back since to realise your joke
Posted by Simon Carlisle on